Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Day 2

I've learned how to service/maintain the bottom bracket of 3 different kinds, and also learned what not to do while working on my own bike. Had to run out after class and try to catch an open store to buy a replacement cartridge, since I shattered part of mine and needed to upgrade anyway. So far, I've found cause to buy new tires, new cartridge and a replacement chain (better grade) to be used when the current one stretches. God, I love this school! It gives good reason and justification for procuring eye candy and upgrading parts/components. If I could find someone to support me, I would become a professional student. I'm already tentatively thinking of taking a frame-building class in the not-too-distant future. This way, I can build a bike of my own particular perversion, to my own specific body size, using components which strike my fancy; in the process learning drafting, some CAD, welding and ergonomic measuring. All that for a mere..........well, never mind. But, I'd have a real nice custom "1-of" bike.


Bee said...

Looks like you are having an amazing time! The pictures are gorgeous and the stories priceless! I want to go out West and go back in time. haha. take care! ~b.

Gregory N. Locsin said...

I should have given myself a couple of months either side of the school to fully scope out the places and opportunities here. Next life maybe.