This is the "Bread Line" outside our closest supermarket. It stretched around the corner to the right by the time I parked , got my cart and wiped it down. We were let in, one at a time, directed to the hand cleaning station with fluid and towels then allowed to enter the store, being held if a successful shopper wanted to exit the same door. Once inside, everyone kept their distance, mostly, and it was eerily quiet; no chatter, no music, no announcements. Our favorite shift leader Anna, who is always cheerful and smiling, did so from behind her mask. I could tell by the crinkle which appeared at the corners of her eyes.
This is a lines-end view of the queue. Note the proctor in the safety vest patrolling the pedestrian lane. I was in the line fewer than fifteen minutes. Inside presented a few bare sections and others untouched. I got the last broccoli head, the last bag of Brussels sprouts and topped up the wine and cider supply. Gotta cover the important things. Got hell when I got home for not remembering peanuts. The lot was near capacity with a lot of expats stocking up for the weekend. I guess they wanted a leisurely weekend, at home, locked down, staring out the window...
My lemon tree has been blooming for a few days, and we haven't reached the end of last seasons bounty. We still have about twenty ripe ones and quite a few in various stages of green. The smaller orange fruit are kumquats on Is' tree. They are calamondin or as we called them in the Philippines, kalamansi.
The leaking heat pipe will stay that way for a while. I called the repairman who lives quite a distance north and he couldn't give me a date. He is trying to sort out some sort of permit to be out on the road for service calls. Apparently one of his associates was stopped at a roadblock and was about to be issued a €600 fine, but managed to get a copy of a work order sent to him by his office. He was allowed to continue his run.
Kitchen timer sounding, gotta go work on tomorrow's lamb stew...
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