Sunday, March 15, 2020

Lockdown in Spain-Day 1

On Friday, the day before the lockdown order was announced, I walked up the hill in town to try and get some sunset shots of Callosa de Segura, the mountain with the most character in our immediate area of the Vega Baja.

Now, for the next two weeks, I won't be able to see it or go for a walk unless I go out to buy groceries or seek medical care.  That may be a ticket to a paseo, as a couple of hours before I took those photos, I'd had a bike crash and acquired a good case of road rash.  Doctored myself, but if I develop an infection, I'd get a chance to walk to the health center.  There's a silver lining to every cloud.

As far as today goes, I got a couple of long-put-off chores done.  The first was to put a bandaid on one of the heating pipes whose leak I discovered a couple of weeks ago.  The repairman said he would try to make it down "next week", but that was before lockdown.  So I jury-rigged a method of keeping water off the floor and measuring the flow so I could know when to replace the loss.

To compensate for the elimination of cycling and walking, I decided to start pumping iron again, so I set up the weight bench which has been unused for about eighteen months.  I also decided to climb the stairs in multiples, so instead of one flight, I go back down and do two more.  Every journey starts with the first step.  More tomorrow...

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