Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Lockdown in Spain-Day 38, Flights to US cancelled

That was the good news today.  Ordinarily it wouldn't be, but now that they have cancelled, I can apply for a refund or a ticket voucher. That poses a few questions.  Money in hand...someday versus a chit which holds a much more expensive but just as uncomfortable seat for me on a flight...someday?

Who knows when regular flights will resume?  I expect numerous airlines will have folded or shrunk into much less frequent and infinitely more expensive budget hops.  With them all hemorrhaging millions on a daily basis, not even the American taxpayer can keep them in any semblance of the "service" they were.  I have read of the daily routine necessary to keep the planes in flight-ready status, the time and the personnel required just to keep them safe on the ground.  Don't expect the honest corporations to keep your safety first in the list of concerns.

My plan is to wait a significant period after regular flights resume.  That way, hopefully, the least safe and more shoddily maintained aircraft will have failed (on the ground would be nice) and be weeded out.  Maybe I'll look into a tramp freighter.   I like the idea of going ashore for a beer and winding up in some other faraway port a few months later...

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