This image was taken the day before lockdown started. I think it had actually been implemented as the town was deserted when I walked through about two hours earlier. I had walked Isabel to church, so it had to have been Saturday. Anyway, the day after tomorrow we will be allowed one hour of outdoor travel each day. We can do it between 0600 and 2300, will be allowed a one kilometer radius and can walk with one member of the household, but not be able to have contact with a third party. I suppose we could shout across the street or wave at friends in their houses.
It will be nice to have something to look forward to each day. These past 47 days have seemed interminable and have blended into one long stream of tedium. Prior to Lockdown my life was not exciting but had a sort of rhythm apart from the occasional trip away.
Monday was mopping and shopping and I cooked, Tuesday maybe a bike ride and Is cooked, Wednesday a bike ride and lunch out with friends. Thursday was my day to cook so odd jobs and reading or maybe a bike ride. Friday was Spanish class, walk to the plaza and maybe a beer with friends while Is cooked and buy the lottery ticket which was going to make us rich. (We had great plans for being rich. We were going to live in Algorfa and live an easy relaxed life). The weekends were fraught with activity, namely the Saturday barbecue I cheffed and the Sunday dinner Is would create. A bike ride was not unheard of on Sundays. During the week, Is had her own distractions, T'ai Chi twice, Keep Fit once and Spanish lessons with a different teacher because she is more advanced than I.
Our only sorties during lockdown were three trips to the grocery store and two the drugstore for me. Is did the same but also went to the card shop twice to mail things. Our post office is closed indefinitely. I will now start doing my grocery trips on Iron Hoss as it has the capacity to carry a good load. I will either be exercising or going to the store on a bike because I don't own a car-depending where I am when I'm asked.
Here's a shot of Iron Hoss taken during the 2018 Tip-to-Tip Tour of Maine. It can hold quite a bit of cargo, particularly in the front bag which is hidden behind the blue "spoiler" I made from a granddaughter's roll-up sled. Of particular importance is the pewter flask of snakebite medicine on the rear seat stay. It warded off numerous snakes during the trip.