Monday, April 20, 2020

Lockdown in SpainDay 36, Experimenting with HDR

This is written on Day 37, as last night was TV night.  We're watching the last season of Homeland, a disturbing series which is all to close to the truth, or what leaks out of Washington and can be distilled into "truth".  Who really knows? 

Anyway, on to happier topics or, at least, more interesting topics?  In preparation for the Covid-torpedoed trip to Turin, I bought a new digital camera, actually two and a lot more equipment as well.  I think I posted previously that of my three existing cameras, one crapped out, the other couldn't do what I wanted it to, and the third was fine, just a rather specialized foul-weather, rough-activity camera.  Along with the cameras, I subscribed to LightRoom, an organizational and procedural set of software for editing and manipulating images.  I finally got to the point where I could start experimenting, so started with HDR or High Dynamic Range imaging.  It is what produces those unbelievable landscapes and fantastic color photos that look too real to be real.  Below are a couple of shots taken during a thunder shower near dusk..

On the left is the best exposure of three, bracketed to underexpose by two stops and overexpose by two.  It was merged with the other two to come up with the second image which has been cropped.

The final result can be better, but I was impressed with what can be done without really knowing what I was doing.  Back to the lab.

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