Monday, April 20, 2020

Lockdown in Spain-Day 37, Not solitary

I sure am glad that I have a cellmate in isolation and hate to imagine what it would be like being solitary.  My one complaint is that she's beaten me at scrabble nine out of nine games.  I've lived alone in the past, for extended periods, even, but I always had the privilege of going out into the world. Thinking about solitary made me remember some of these photos:

Every time I see an older person out walking, I think "Good on you, mate!"  I remember visiting my parents in Brookline and going out on their balcony so that my pipe smoke wouldn't pollute their flat.  There was an elderly fellow who would slowly work his way up the street every morning with a walker, making what looked like painful progress.  His fortitude impressed me as he did it in all sorts of weather.  And then he stopped appearing.  

Sometimes there's solitary because you want to shut the world out and be alone with your thoughts.

Or solitary because you just ate a big meal and need a siesta before going back to work.

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