Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Lockdown in Spain-Day 32, A couple of quiet places

This was shot through the front window of Grace Neill's pub which was advertised as the oldest in Northern Ireland.  I was not able to quench my thirst there as it was "closed until further notice".  It was really quiet.

        This was a small stream, a tributary of the Saco River in
Maine.  I love tiny overlooked spots like this.

This is a spot where I spent many, many memorable hours, both quiet and raucous.  The wind chime is one I made for "Howieland", my partner Howard Antworth's camp in Bowerbank, Maine.  It is on the less settled shore of Sebec lake, home of many togue and salmon we either lost or released over the years.  I took this photo the last time Howard and I were there together, my last hunting trip back around 2016.  Howard has passed on and I've given away my shotgun and sold the fishing gear.  I bet the togue still tinkles in the breeze, though.

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