After Nashville and the long, long drive through Tennessee, I stopped just before West Virginia for gas and what seemed (at the time) like a last meal. I was heading into Ridge Runner country and figured I'd eat a good meal, just in case I heard banjo music. So I had the proverbial cholesterol bullet; steak, baked potato with butter, dinner rolls (that's what they called them), gray beans and apple pie a'la mode. Entertainment was provided by a man shovelling lasagna into his mouth, trying to get his money's worth and see if he could stretch his XXXL sweatpants. The pile on his plate would have fed a small band of refugees for a day or two.
I was tired of the South; The radio played monotonous songs by whiny guys complaining that their dogs left them and the Ole Lady couldn't bring home nuthin but corn dogs. Other than that it was only bible-thumpers and Bush-lovers on the radio, or the inevitable talk show with some angry woman wondering why the government wouldn't pay to have the Nascar tattoo removed from her forehead. So I headed the car North and spent the night in the Summersville, WV Wal-Mart parking lot listening to Bubbas burning rubber and breaking bottles. Did you know that Wal-Mart has street sweepers clean their parking lots at 3:00 am?
Then there was the hilly, winding drive into Pennsylvania and a stop near Pittsburgh to see one of my classmates from UBI. I spent the better part of an hour after that, trying to get un-lost after listening to Guida guide me cross-country to an Interstate heading for New York. Of course, it started snowing-all the way through the Alleghennies and up to Watkins Glen where I again prevailed upon Wal-Mart to host me. Brought back memories of 1967 when an army buddy and I slept under a bridge there on our way to the races. Where do the faces go when you forget someone?
Tired of travelling, sleeping with shredded wheat, listening to street-sweepers in the wee hours, living on coffee and granola bars I headed for Westbrook on the morning of the 19th, and that's where I am now.
The pod is glazed with snow and ice. I did my first snowy bike ride when I went into Portland to have lunch with Andre. Shannon and Jordan stopped by to say, "Welcome back." and I went to the gym with Nick to start losing the 10 pounds I gained on the trip. Life is quickly returning to normal (?). Tomorrow is laundry day and I'm going to start planning next winter's itinerary-God! I hate the idea of being here all winter. Bones and Simone: I may have to fly down to Tucson in a month or so and you can show me the town. I didn't feel like going there without you to lead me astray.
I wish to express my gratitude to all the kind folk who put me up, put up with me, wined and dined me (that's where the ten pounds came from) and showed me the sights; Buzz & Alice, Matt, Claudia & Harish, Jean, Chuck, Joe, Steve & Mae, John & Yvonne, Phred & Donna.
Many thanks as well to all my support team who encouraged me, outfitted me with gear and supplies, called and TXTed, did errands for me, monitored my mail and paid my bills while I was rambling around; finishing the trip I started back in '66. You know who you are, but others might not: Rhonda, Nick & Sue, Shan & John, DylKris, Andre & Brooke and again Bruce & Sylvia.
(off the road for now)