Went to New Sweden for a couple of days to test equipment and dust off my camping skills. Tented in the Black Forest for two sweltering nights, met a skunk with no bad consequences and heard a large critter breaking large branches near the tent. Had a good visit with Doug & Rita Anderson, walked the land, carrying the bike a lot of the time and went endo & heels over head because I didn't check the brake tensions before I rode the Trek for the first time in many months. Scared the hell out of the red squirrel I almost landed on.
Then on to East Winthrop and a picnic with SJ&J before the first night in the Pod. Hotter than blazes and the promised thunderstorms never materialized. There's more room in the tent. Off to Freeport and Leon's for the requisite gadget perusal this morning. Stopped and looked up Dan & Toni Piotti whom I haven't seen in about 25 years. Swapped lies for a couple of hours-they are well and are enjoying retirement.
Back in Westbrook I decided to bike to the Brighton Ave. clinic and have my stitches out. That ride put me over 3200 miles so far this year. Got out about 8:30 PM and am too whacked to unload.
Camping tip #1-If you use baby wipes to take a whore's bath (a Dna. Camilla expression), you will probably have nightmares about changing diapers.
I hope this isn't a sign of what's to come. You haven't even left Maine yet!!
Ummm... I'm just catching up here, but why did you have stitches?
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