Friday, September 28, 2007

Finally here!

After driving through snow falling heavily on the Cascade Mts., I finally got to the school, moved into the hostel and am going to eat. Got a lot of photos to organize, cull and rename. Probably won't get much done tonight, as I'm beat. Tomorrow is wash day for the bikes and then I hope to go for a long, long ride to make up for the miles I didn't cycle while I was driving. Been a great trip so far, and i'm looking forward to the next leg after a good rest during the school.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Eureka! Use cursor

Figured it out, Dyl.
Nick-Great idea on the bagged Dal, etc. I've had it every night except last night when I broke down and had a reuben outside Salt Lake City. Was exhausted after driving about 12 hrs and 670 miles. Andre, that meal exceeded my $10/day budget, but other than a smoked sausage on a bun in Iowa, was the only store boughten meal.

Tonight, I'm in Oregon; Klamathg Falls, about 50 miles short of Ashland. 630+ miles today, lots of desert, mountains and finally farmland.

"Turn right in 240 miles." Guida the GPS cooed and jolted me out of a short nap as I hurtled west on I-80 at 70 mph, five below the limit and about fifteen slower than everybody else. It was kind of like yesterday in Wyoming. I drove for three hours and only turned the steering wheel twice, it seemed. Anyway, to stay awake, I started reading the map; soon discovering a shortcut which eliminated the deep dip to Reno, and the jog into California before heading north.

The only obvious shortcoming was a lot of nothing in between intersections. I was sort of unsure of Guida's ability to handle desert after yesterday's constant insistance that I turn around, make a U-turn or two lefts or rights. During today's meditative periods I figured out that Guida was merely responding to the fact that I had forgotten to re-program her after deciding to take a suggestion of another scenic shortcut.

So, I took a right off I-80 at Winemucca, and headed off into sand dunes. At a construction site, I talked with a kid who was flagging. He said that there was a lot of nothing out there, that the road was good and that there was only one cop in the 200+ mile area. He also said that I shouldn't take it if I were afraid of heights. ( I didn't admit it) He went on to tell me of a section of steep 9% grade with no guardrails and thousands of feet of free-fall opportunities. I thanked him and headed toward my anticipated doom.

At the last gas station I met a cyclist who had just come through the area from the other end. He told me that it took him two hours to climb three miles of it. After driving it, I can swear that I would never do it either way on a bike, never do it at night and probably never, ever do it again for any reason. My need to do laundry is now critical.

Paul Devin recently retired, and decided to stretch his Social Security income by eliminating rent. He also figured to do something he enjoys, so he is bike touring. He's been into Canada and all over this country and is presently headed for the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Plans to winter in Texas and is heading for the East Coast in the spring. I told him to look me up in Westbrook and I'd feed him lobster for his effort. He's counting on it.

Paul, welcome to Gloxy's Ramble. I stopped at the Adel Store, but Sharon wasn't working-only does Sundays and Mondays. I left a message with the fellow minding the store and he assured me that he'd pass it on. He thanked me for her, saying that they often wonder about people with questionable modes of transportation who take that route. What's worrisome about a bike? I'll see you in the Spring unless I bump into you near the Canyon.

My portable light is failing, and the 'puter will die soon, as my "electric" site only does the big three-pronged cords, not the regular, I'm going to jump in the carf and try to send some photos.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I forgot to mention yesterday's trip to the Crazy Horse Memorial. It is amazing. Dwarfs the sculpture at Mt. Rushmore, which I didn't visit. I figured I spend George all the time; Live by some of Abe's principles, and try to walk softly as T.R. recommended. Is that really Neil Diamond next to George? Well, I like a couple of his recordings. Didn't go to the Little Big Horn Battlefield. I'm glad they renamed it. Why memorialize a guy who was in the bottom of his class, let his ego lead him and all his men to their deaths and was really a loser. George Armstrong Custer---reminds me of another George. Anyway, I didn't want to go to Wounded Knee-couldn't finish the book, and felt that it would have affected me a lot like the Vietnam Wall in Washington. Don't need to feel that kind of sadness. Went to Crazy Horse to offer a little apology for all that some of my ancestors did. Means nothing to anyone but me. In the sculpture he is pointing to his lands. When asked where his lands were he answered, "...where my dead are buried."

I'll try to slip in a couple more photos. Only viewed them in thumbnail mode, so bear with me. I miss the Nikon and the Canon film cameras as I would have better exposures, but then I'd pay an arm and a leg for processing.

Up at Zero-dark-thirty tomorrow to catch the Tower bathed in dawn red, and then off on a diagonal course to reconnect with the AAA route. Don't know how long it will take, whether it will save or cost time, but it will be off the beaten path. Do I hear banjos? Hope there are no more close encounters with large animals. Almost bagged a muley doe last night doing 65 (the limit) in the mountains. Swerved, and missed her by inches (really), but then the Pod decided to steer for me and I had to fight it for a few hundred feet.

From the Bear's Den

The traditional name has nothing to do with the Devil. There is a native legend about a bear and children and how the earth grew the tower to save the children. The striations are bear's clawings. Anyway, I've skipped the badlands and Black Hills areas, just to try and keep up with technology. Haven't the time as yet to view/download all the pics, and am making the best of the wi-fi connection at the KOA campground.

Met a young couple from Portland while doing the sunrise photo-op. Brenday and Kelly are doing more or less the same circuit; taking time out from corporate life and seeing the country. I wish I had done it at their age, but then things might not have turned out the way they have. I'm happy with this version of my story. Anyway, welcome to Gloxy's Ramble, Brendan and Kelly and I hope we cross paths again.

Rhonda, you were right about buying a telephoto lens. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. I'll send you some pics, but I wish you were here to share the experience with me.

You kids, too. I can't emphasize how un-freaking-believably beautiful this area is. Maybe someday...

In about three hours I'm going to cycle up the mountain again, to Joyner's Ridge Trail. It is supposed to be the best spot from which to view the Tower and sunset. The photo of me not panting was taken there.

More later after reorganizing the shambles in the Pod, maybe laundry and maybe a hot meal.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lunch in Cedar Rapids

Having a wi-fi, healthy (if you overlook the cream cheese in the pumpkin muffin), Starbucks lunch before striking for Badlands.
Dylan, the address is: c/o U.B.I. 401 Williamson Way Ashland, OR 97520. Thanx in advance for the info.
About that bridge yesterday-it was a Half a Mile of Hell, and then another to get back over it. I knew it was windy, I knew it was a steel grate for a deck, I knew there was no bike lane, but I did not know that the guardrail was lower than my bike seat, I did not know that I would have to ride in the center of my lane (much to the anguish of tghe cars following me) to avoid getting blown over the edge by a strong gust; and I'd forgotten my acrophobia until I looked down through the bridge deck to the whitecaps a couple of hundred feet below. I have stared down the barrel of a gun and felt less fear. The trip back was no more fun despite the fact that I had just done it. Something hypnotizing about the water sparkling waaaay below; kind of like a cobra's eyes....
Shan, the suggestion of ice worked well. I packed the ruck that Andre gave me full of ice and rode thru Carroll County with it soothing the back.
Off for the Badlands or someplace short of there
OTRA (on the road again)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Record heat in Savanna, IL

Today was laundry day. Cycled in town and learned that the local heat record was being broken (94 deg.) and the winds were expected to stay at 30-40 mph until the thunderstorms move in tonight with a possibility of hail. Hope I'm in the pod when it hits. Going to try to post a couple of ohotos. One is a bridge I'm going to ride over the Mississippi-looooong, windy and steel grid, no pavement or bike lane. The others were taken on the ride over yesterday.
I had lunch with Matt yesterday, missed Kim and met Camilla. Very cute and unlike her namesake great-grandmother, rather shy. Matt suggested the Miss. Palisades State Park for a campsite. Other than the fact that the trip to was about 3 times as long as the map said it would be, it was a nice trip and the park is great.
Tomorrow, I will strike for Rapid City , SD,and the Badlands/Crazy Horse parks. Will have to overnite somewhere in between. I'll pass on Deadwood as Wild Bill has already been kilt. I know I could have beat him, though...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I drive, therefore I am, I think

Short post from amid the cornfields of somewhere. I know I'm in the central time zone, and I'm hitting the road before some of Stephen King's imaginaries start emerging. Hitting road asap to try and get to campsite and take a nice long ride on roadie. Hasta luego.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

More stuff!!

At right are some of the cool provisions and talismans given or loaned by well-wishers. Thanx all!

Dyl & Kris won't be back from 'Frisco till Tuesday night, so I'm going to try to leave Monday, after babysitting in the PM. Lots to do tomorrow, hook up and load, etc...then the Judy Collins/Nanci Griffith concert after dinner with Shan & John.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Bike #8

This apartment is getting too crowded. I just picked up bike # 8 from Phred in Vassalboro. He very generously donated to my project collection a nice Schwinn roadie which belonged to his son. With Nick's two, we now have a total of ten.

Simone, are you referring to the stash I left in the boathouse after I unintentionally became the first to swim in Sebec Lake many springs ago?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

D. Day-4

Trying to get all the "stuff" done so I can cycle and chill the last couple of days: spare tires pumped up, final laundry done, bills paid, half-packed and therein is a problem. All the cycling gear is in one bag and regular clothes in another and I don't remember how much of what I packed. Didn't want to be "anal" and do a checklist. Guess I'll have to dump the bags to make sure I have everything. Piled up my footwear and began to feel like Imelda Marcos-3 pairs of cycling shoes, hiking boots, Crocs, sandals and water sneakers. I ought to take one more pair so I can have one for each week I'll be gone. Jean M. suggested I bring my cowboy boots. Was the reason fashion or snakes?

This afternoon I gave a lift to a fellow cyclist who had a flat. Tom works at Rainbow Bike in Auburn, has logged ~5000 miles this year (to my paltry 3227) and plans to go to UBI next summer to study frame-buildibg. Coincidence or karma?

What a long, strange trip it's going to be; if I may borrow a line from the Grateful Dead...

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Went to New Sweden for a couple of days to test equipment and dust off my camping skills. Tented in the Black Forest for two sweltering nights, met a skunk with no bad consequences and heard a large critter breaking large branches near the tent. Had a good visit with Doug & Rita Anderson, walked the land, carrying the bike a lot of the time and went endo & heels over head because I didn't check the brake tensions before I rode the Trek for the first time in many months. Scared the hell out of the red squirrel I almost landed on.

Then on to East Winthrop and a picnic with SJ&J before the first night in the Pod. Hotter than blazes and the promised thunderstorms never materialized. There's more room in the tent. Off to Freeport and Leon's for the requisite gadget perusal this morning. Stopped and looked up Dan & Toni Piotti whom I haven't seen in about 25 years. Swapped lies for a couple of hours-they are well and are enjoying retirement.

Back in Westbrook I decided to bike to the Brighton Ave. clinic and have my stitches out. That ride put me over 3200 miles so far this year. Got out about 8:30 PM and am too whacked to unload.

Camping tip #1-If you use baby wipes to take a whore's bath (a Dna. Camilla expression), you will probably have nightmares about changing diapers.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


September: Maine to upstate N.Y., on thru Chicago and sort of thru the middle of the country with a possible foray into the Dakotas to see the Badlands and Crazy Horse and Rushmore monuments. Then continuing toward northern California and Ashland, Oregon.
Late October: Ashland to Sacramento, south on the Pacific Highway, possibly Santa Barbara, and then out to Phoenix/Mesa, Arizona. Tucson is a maybe and then on to Albuquerque and Santa Fe, NM.
Mid November: Should be somewhere near and heading for the /Smokey Mountains in Kaintuck, and then northeastward to home.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Initial Post

Greetings, earthlings:
This blog is an attempt to simplify communication with you-all while I am on the road to Oregon and points southwest. Any suggestions would be helpful and might even be appreciated.