Yesterday was a sparkling day, today not so, but at least it's dry enough to hang out another wash. The house has been viewed several times, and there is one viable offer. Every time a viewing is scheduled, I pack up the painting gear and wander around behind stray animals in the yard until the prospective buyers disappear. Then I unpack my shoebox and go back to whatever painting. I guess it's better than watching paint dry. Haven't started anything big or even serious, but have done several experimental pieces or studies with which I'm pleased. Am watching a lot of artists' demos on YouTube, and have been spurred to try some really different stuff. Unfortunately my studio (space) is in Westbrook and a lot of materials are in Algorfa. Someday I hope to have everything in one place.
It's beginning to look as though we may fly out on the 20th. Hallelujah!
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