Tuesday, April 23, 2013

House-hunting Begins

Busy day today.  The shipment of fourteen boxes from Is' house in England was supposed to arrive at 1400. Then the shipper called and asked if it could arrive at 1600.  We said OK and rescheduled an appointment to view a house.  That was for 1700 then the shipper called back and said that it would be much later than 1600, blah, blah,blah.  We stood our ground , got the shipment at 1600 and went to see the house as scheduled.
All the time we were cooling our heels, I was on the phone to the third and fourth then third Travelocity agent trying to rectify a flight reschedule caused by a British Airways flight cancellation.  By the time the hassle was done, I had spent easily an hour and a half on the phone to those four agents, been disconnected twice and run around several bushes.  The bottom line is that our flight to Boston was delayed by thirty minutes and our flight back to Madrid was advanced by twenty-two hours.  All this was accomplished at no cost with the help of a very competent agent named Hazel who had a Philippine accent.
Back to the house-hunting.  We looked at a great house (a bank repo) in Formentera, a nice town about 4 km. away.  Right in town, three bedrooms, garage, lots of space and very little wrong with it...EXCEPT an awful stench of sewer gas (methane) leaking in through the garage floor drain.  If it weren't for the odor, we'd jump on it, but we have to hold and do some research on methane abation, drain re-construction or odor-eating plants.


Calvin said...

Did you settle for the one with sewer gas stench? It would take a lot of work to get rid of that. Anyhow, I hope you found the perfect house in a neighborhood without much woes. Cheers! Calvin @ CityBlockTeam.com

Gregory N. Locsin said...

We decided to err on the side of caution and pass on the "Stench House". Glad we did, as we stayed in Algorfa, buying a nice quiet place in the village.