Saturday, September 15, 2012

Flagstaff Lake Trip

Nick and I canoed in to the camp that Shannon and I built back in the late 80s.  It was a memorable trip, made even more so when I read the scratchings on my old coffee pot and realized that it was with me on my first trip there in 1981, 31 years ago!  The place is still as beautiful as it was back then.  You might notice the wind-power turbines on distant ridges, but then you'd excuse them if you really want your world to stay clean and green.  This is a shot just after sunrise, taken from on top of the cliff on "our" island.  I wish the lake had stayed that calm, but it was not to be.  The wind picked up from the West, and that caused the rollers to form; adding about an hour and a half to the trip out.  Intermittent rain and constant spray from the waves kept us pretty damp.

The wind kept up, but clouds and rain dissipated, leaving a dramatic sky with a full range of blues spread from horizon to horizon.  This shot was taken as we were loading up after taking out at Meyer's Landing.  The lake looks peaceful, but don't be deceived-there were actually whitecaps out there.  I had told Bones that we would try to go to the other campsite that he and I had built in '82, and take some pictures of the remains, but the weather prevented that.  Towing two kayaks with a following sea and wind directly astern was very tricky and I didn't want to put us in a spot where we would have to take it all broadside.  Next year...

Yesterday we had great weather.  Lots of sunshine and mild breezes all day, and the fish were biting.Nick and I caught so many, I lost count.  All except two were released, and they became lunch.  Pickerel and Perch fried up in bacon fat and served with refried macaroni and cheese; washed down with Ballantine's Ale in honor of Milton Trott, our grandfather, who was the inspiration for all of my wilderness adventures, and who was quite fond of the brew.

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