While he was working, I managed to hit the Musee D'Orsay and the Musee De Arte Moderne, both of which were well worth the trip. I wandered the Champs Elysee, explored by Metro and foot and generally wore myself out, stopping now and then to partake of refreshment (at an exorbitant price).
The weather was wet and foggy most of the time and that prevented me from renting one of the Velib bicycles and trying my hand at navigating Paris traffic. Probably a good thing, though as the pandemonium I observed convinced me that cycling in Paris is not for the faint-at-heart. I'll take L.A. or Boston traffic any day.
Four days were just not enough for "the city of light", but my feet and wallet were relieved once we boarded the jet for Alicante. Many images were recorded both mentally and digitally, in hope of turning them into paintings at a later date.
Now I can cross Paris off the Bucket List, even though I never put it there. Thanks, Dylan for convincing me that it is a "must".
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