Monday, April 9, 2012

About to leave Rochester, N.Y. after a three-day visit with Andre and Brooke.  In celebration of Passover/Easter, we reluctantly forced ourselves to eat and drink too much; stay up too late and get little exercise.
One memorable moment was my first Garbage Plate, a local "delicacy"(?), which consisted of piled macaroni salad, cole slaw, cheeesburger sans bun and split hot dog covered with mustard and chopped onions.  I declined on what was offered as "meat sauce".  After my failed effort to clean my plate, I was informed that the meal was invented as a late-night effort to soak up alcohol.  Having got the order wrong, we then went to LUX to try and set our systems right.  Our morning after photo tells the whole story.

1 comment:

David Gartside said...

Also missing the Spanish Amigos cycling. Doing some in UK, but not enough, as will be revealed on next visit to Formentera in May or June. Enjoy rest of your US sojourn,