Sunday, May 3, 2020

Lockdown in Spain-Day 48, 73rd birthday;House Arrest

This is what it feels like for us here in Spain.  Fortunately this is the last day of almost complete sequestration.  My birthday seemed pre-climactic, but then after seventy-two priors, what's the big deal?  It's the living in between which counts.  Tomorrow the in-between gets better as we will be allowed to exit our homes for other than absolute necessity. 

I'm going to fly over the cuckoo's nest.  

Tomorrow Isabel and I will go for an hour-long walk, but that will be after I do an hour's worth of cycling.  I wonder how that will feel after about a week of relative inactivity after the "great Everest Climb".  If it hurts, it will be a good hurt.

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