Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fun on the Kennebec

Sunday last, we went fishing on the lower Kennebec with Nick & Susan.  Plenty of luck, good for the fish, bad for us.  But then, we had nothing to clean, no fish guts on the deck and fresh-smelling hands when it came to sandwiches and chips while drifting in an eddy.  After a very relaxing cruise, we stopped at their house and eventually decided to try fishing off the shore behind the house.  Nick's granddaughter, Camilla had allegedly caught a catfish there a couple of weeks ago, and I was dubious, having never heard of anyone catching catfish in the Kennebec, especially below head tide.
I learned that, not only are there catfish there, one of them is an omnivore.  Not having any traditional dough balls, dead squirrels, old sneakers or desiccated Spam to use as bait, we decided on peppered chicken breast and raw breakfast sausage.  The two-pound gastronome fell for a chunk of the latter and surprised the hell out of me.  The evidence is above (catfish is the one with the hook in its mouth).

The week has been spent cycling, painting, arranging repair for my four-year-old Frigidaire refrigerator.  I remember fondly the Whirlpool which lasted 25 years.  'nuff said.

Time here is winding down, and we've started to get the packing jitters.  Gotta weigh this, that, cull heavy stuff that we don't really need.  Unfortunately, I brought over several art books that I use frequently for reference and must travel back.  Added to that weight is the torque wrench and associated bits, adapters and sockets that are mandated by the purchase of a carbon-framed bike.  Guess I'll leave out the bottle of Mescal.  I spent about $160 to buy 15 kilos of extra weight allowance, hoping that would cover the bike.  It covers the bike box and torque wrench.  Back to the drawing board, I guess...

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