Here's a shot of Callosa de Segura taken at about the same time as the sunset one, below. Top is today, the first day of the lockdown easing and the lower was taken on the actual day it started. I had thought it was taken the day before, but we were out unknowingly.
Anyway, Callosa hasn't changed, we have. The world seems drab now, colorless, unsafe, arid. While we were happy to be out wandering around, we felt alienated from those whom we encountered. Hellos, if uttered, were muted, eyes averted fearful or distrustful. We all kept our distance, easily, which was in stark comparison to photos I had seen of crowds in Madrid "distancing socially". As if! I wonder when the second wave will hit, even worse; what the second lockdown will do to us.
But, for now, we're soaring.